Life in a Glance | Teen Ink

Life in a Glance

January 4, 2020
By bblackopall BRONZE, Gill, Massachusetts
bblackopall BRONZE, Gill, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I glanced at the printed pixels.

They informed me that

Somebody passed last night.

He was young, just 51.

He must have been

Someone… newsworthy,

Now, he sleeps deep

Below, or somewhere above.

As the dirt fell on his grave,

Like salty waves of grain,

Loved ones wept for selfish loss.

Haters smiled but wept inward

At the loss of a reason to hate.

And then there were

The masses of casual glancers,

indifferent, like him.

As I clicked to the next page

To forget about the page before,

I thought: I must live…

in anticipation.

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