I AM NOT!!! | Teen Ink


March 10, 2021
By JamesD4200 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
JamesD4200 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I Am Not!!!


I am not a very smart person, but not a very dumb person,

I am not a person that doesn't care, I may not seem like I care but I most likely do.

I am not a complete horrible person, but I can be horrible, I realized.

I am not someone that wants to go to jail, it  frightens me.

I am not a fake person, I try to be as honest as possible.

I am not someone that likes to hurt his parents, because it doesn't just hurt them it hurts me.

I am not someone that wants to sit inside all day, I want to go out and adventure.

I am not someone that likes any food, I can be picky.

I am not someone to just disappear, I will always tell you where I am going.

I am not the type of person to get all mad at you because you have made a mistake, it happens.

I am not going to make my mom pissed at me anymore, because it is annoying.

I am not a person to bail on you, I always try my best to accomplish what I have said that I was going to do. 

I am not someone that likes to be lied to, it gets me super mad, especially when you lie to my face.

I am not someone that you will have to worry about driving with, I am a very good driver.

I am not someone that will constantly break my vehicles, going on to my forth car next month.

I am not someone that wants to fail highschool, I need to get my diploma.

I am not someone that will leave first. I'm too nice, you will leave me before I leave you, always.

I am James Thomas William Doughty, I am a young adult that lives with his parents and young sister that gets to his older sister and only nephew every single day and I love my family very much.

The author's comments:

This is just a litte writing that I did about myself in a class period, I could add more and even take things out. I am a young adult about to make it into the real world. I wish I could wait longer but my time has come.

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