It was just a simple moonlight | Teen Ink

It was just a simple moonlight

May 5, 2021
By saorsa BRONZE, Sutherland, Virginia
saorsa BRONZE, Sutherland, Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
some say that the pomegranate was the real apple of eve, fruit of the womb, i would eat my way into perdition to taste you
- jeanette winterson, written on the body

I danced in the rain under a bright full silver moon.

It held so many stories from times before I

It has seen kingdoms rise and fall

Seen love stories far greater than the ones that have been told


But what about its love?

Did the moon ever have a love?

Ever even have someone to tell its feelings to?

We pour our heart out to them, but no one ever hears its stories.


Romeo and Juilet had a tragic love, but what if the moon had a far more greater one?

Maybe it was in love with the sun? 

Or maybe even the stars that would stay for a little while, then left?

Maybe they just never had a love at all?


Times passed on, days went on, lives were given and taken, but the moon still hung there proudly

It listened to those who poured out their hearts and feelings

It wished them the best, knowing only it could be them that went on and did something


The moon had loves, yes

But just like any other lovestory it will have to come to an end at one point 

But there was one that never did leave

The moon loved itself for staying strong throughout the years


It watched things fall and rise, hearts shatter then find hope once again

But it was how the moon stood their so bright throughtout the darkest times which gave those others hope

That there is and always be light in the dark, the only love it could ever feel and find was in itself

For only I will be my first and last love until my light shimmers out


I will be the light that guides people throughout the dark to find that love in themselves

And I will smile proudly of what they felt for the first time in a long time

I am and only ever will be my one true love till' the end of time

For that will be the greatest love story ever told


But do not forget there will be phases where you will doubt yourself

Keep in mind, you'll once be full again

Not only be full, but be the brightest one in your own world and some to others

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