Lurking and Waiting | Teen Ink

Lurking and Waiting

September 8, 2021
By elizabeth_austin SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
elizabeth_austin SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Just now I’m thrown from reality 

I held my breath again 

Shaky hands grasp me 

I’m held down by a chain 


One moment I’m okay 

Then… I choked, 

“please, don’t panic” 

I try to tell myself but, 

Other voices disagree 

I can feel it, creeping up on me 


Slowly it rises from its den 

The dizziness, 

The shallow breaths 

Every now and then. 


My heart rate speeds 

It’s going crazy 

“please relax idiot, breath steady” 

They are hunting 

I’m not ready 

My thoughts are pumping 

I’m stressing 

My fear is feeding 

“Don’t panic.” 


“I’m afraid.” 

“Don’t panic, you can do this” 

I’m just giving them time to invade 

I must reminisce 


“Don’t lose control.” 

Slow breaths and happy thoughts 

That is my goal 

Why is this fear forming knots? 


“I’m not going to die, 

not this time.” 

But this is all a lie 

Feeling peace is a crime 


It might seem over 

But, the panic is still here 

At any moment it could takeover 

My heart is still pounding in my ear 


It’s overwhelmingly frustrating 

How panic is still lurking and waiting 

The author's comments:

This piece is about panic and stress. I have struggled with a panic disorder and anxiety for years which is what inspired me to write this piece. This was the only way I felt I could discribe my inner emotions into words.

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