Ode to headphones | Teen Ink

Ode to headphones

February 4, 2022
By Therice BRONZE, Oaklawn, Illinois
Therice BRONZE, Oaklawn, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Oh Headphones,

The angelic sound ringing on the sides of my ear,

Every waking morning, evening, and afternoon I feel blessed.

The dark monotone lengthy cords on the sides of my cheeks, 

and the comfy elastic buds on the tips on my ear.

Many different sounds and new experiences like a whole new world just shined down on me.

The cultures you connect 

The lives you have saved 

The wars you have stopped 

Was all thanks to you.

At school I feel at peace knowing I get to listen to sweet sound of freedom 

And every year you get better and better as the music you eat makes you grow more and more.

Oh sweet headphones never leave me,

Well until I get a new pair.

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