The Educational System | Teen Ink

The Educational System

May 12, 2022
By AdanneYeboah BRONZE, Bethesda, Maryland
AdanneYeboah BRONZE, Bethesda, Maryland
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As the morning bell rings in my ears

I tear my eyes from the foggy windows 

The students take out their homework

The teacher goes over the answers

An assortment of students raise their hands 

Only 4 get to speak

Four boys

Four white boys

They call out the answers and discuss amongst themselves

Laughing and joking about who was wrong

They receive perfect scores and glowing recommendations

The teacher congratulates them then moves on

The male teacher

The white male teacher

This continues for the whole class period 

Then for the whole month

Now the academic year is over

Onto the next

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