Redemption | Teen Ink


July 30, 2022
By venusloveslola SILVER, Burnsville, North Carolina
venusloveslola SILVER, Burnsville, North Carolina
9 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality.”

-Emily Dickinson

Empty apologies for empty bottles. They say alcoholism is a disease, and it is, but so is denial. Fighting the diseases that played her body and soul, the diseases that took over her brain were admirable. It's a journey to get from point A to point B, but pretending like there was never a problem to begin with will get you nowhere. She learned that the hard way. A constant pull between who she was and who the disease made her, but in the end she pushed back the disease and faced her demons. Redemption was finally claimed. Now the real question is, can she keep it? She didn't.

The author's comments:

TW: alcohol, addiction

I've struggled with an alcoholic mother all my life and this is what I have observed from her.

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