The Swim | Teen Ink

The Swim

October 3, 2022
By arrowheadstudent SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
arrowheadstudent SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am waking up early in the morning 

I am driving to the pool 

I am warming up 

I am seeing bright lights

I am Not the best


I am on the blocks 

I am diving in 

I am thrashing through the water 

I hear water rushing past my ears 

I am swimming back now 

I am smashing into the wall 

I am getting out 

I am Not strong enough

I am slipping 

I am back into the cold prison of water

I am being held down 

I am Not able to swim back up 

I feel scared 

I am Not in a pool

I am waking up

I am sweating

I am Not dreaming anymore

I am breathing heavy 

I am seeing dark

I am in my bed 

I am looking around 

I am safe

I am going back to sleep

I see my eyes close

The author's comments:

Submission from english class


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