The Standards | Teen Ink

The Standards

March 28, 2023
By Lily-N BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Lily-N BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Social Media has taught to make her think that she has to be something shes not 

Showed her these bodies that aren't real

Telling her that her body is not ideal

She is too fat

She is too skinny

Ads show her workouts and diets to make her gain or loose

Pound after pound telling her its perfect

When in reality she was perfect from the start

She has too wide of hips

She has too broad of shoulders

Now she is insecure of things she can't control

She can not control her genetics

Bone structure is not something that can now be altered or ¨fixed¨

Social Media has told her that she is ugly

Telling her she needs makeup to cover her ¨flaws¨

If she doesn't fit the standards she laughed at

Her lips are too small

Her acne is too unnatural

Now there is lipstick to overline her lips

Concealer to cover the tiny red spots

The blank canvas of her face is now infected with powders and creams

Her cheekbones don't appear enough

Her nose is ugly, being too big or too small

Blended on her face now darker tones

Filled with lights and brights in just the right places

To sculpt herself just perfect enough 

Social Media has taught her how to stop the pain if shes sad 

Try this, try that

Teaching her it is ok because she only lives once right

She infects her body with drugs

She breathes this buzz

Inhale this, telling her it will make her calm and relaxed

1 time with her friends is now 2 to 3 until shes alone 

Doing it on her own

She now carves her body

She has gashes full of red, swelling her skin

Bed sheet stained of deep royal reds

Showers stinging her fresh flesh

Wondering why she can't stop these things knowing it is hurting her body

Social Media has judged her

Blaming her saying she's too young for what she has done

She now has the ¨perfect¨ body

Though she has been starved to get it

Not being insecure is so hard because she's constantly compared

To the people who have been rebuilt and repaired 

Just to be seen as perfect

Her face is so beautiful

Yet she piles on makeup every morning 

Disguising the bareness of her natural look

Just to end up with more hatred but no forewarning

She is shamed for trying to cope

But this is what she has been shown

Not knowing its addiction

Because the influence says it's ok

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