The Moon That Watches | Teen Ink

The Moon That Watches

May 1, 2023
By EAChildress SILVER, Farmland, Indiana
EAChildress SILVER, Farmland, Indiana
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The moon is never truly gone,

Even out of sight it continues on

All day,

All night

Even in times of light.


There it lays

Observing and waiting throughout the day

Cover your curtains!

Close your doors!

Cower in your corner!

Try as you may

Nightfall will come.


But need not give control

Of your life's soul

Stay on with your all 

As you power through the fight

As just around the tribulation

Mourning will come. 

All day, 

All night,

Even in times of light.

The author's comments:

Sometimes you have those feelings you just can't shake...

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