Burning Cold | Teen Ink

Burning Cold

May 1, 2023
By Sandystorm711 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
Sandystorm711 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love was no longer jealousy, it was peace"


It’s cold

But this is what I trained for

To live and work in the arctic lands

To help in the fight against climate change

To watch the stillness of the water wash up on shores of icebergs in our part of the atlantic

but the deep hard truth awaited me under the calm surface

a fight that rages on, unspoken of, and allowed so freely to happen

No Right to protect the body that carries me in this climate, a body meant to help

I have to worry about my protection against my teammates, colleagues, trusted people

I have to swallow the words of protest as He barges into my room without a sound

I have to limp my way from dorm to dorm to find a safe place for me to sleep at night

this haven of help has turned into the Purge with no places to hide, no places to run

Men see Weakness, Men see Prey, there aren't any bushes to hide in. We Just Wait.

to speak is to forfeit my job, my PhD, my opportunities in this world

to speak up is to Surrender away the hardwork and hand it over

to them we are Disposable, Replaceable, and Worthless

a good to be acquired and Thrown Away after use

preaches of diversity, equity, and inclusion

only for me to be here as A Prop for Him

a Side Activity he can choose to Use

I was Raped in the workplace

no one batted an eye

“it’s normal here”

so He wins


The author's comments:

This piece is meant to make people uncomfortable. To bring awareness to the problem women face in the work place, it's meant to be raw and alarming because that's how this feels.

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