Invisible Captures | Teen Ink

Invisible Captures

June 8, 2023
By 4evans SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
4evans SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Flick𑁋 the flash switch has been turned on. The instant moment of white light has the ability to capture depth, value, and unconditional love.

I place the bright green camera into the older gentleman’s palms reaching out in front of me. Staring at the object, a smile begins to form, “Hey, I used to use one of these back in the day.” he chuckles with a voice so deep, yet fragile. My family gathers in a huddle, their warm arms wrap around me like a rope𑁋a safety net only few can provide. The falling sun is tired, restless from fulfilling the long day with a clear sky. The background will display tints of orange mixed with pinks that will remind us of how it was getting chilly as a slight breeze was beginning to awaken the patterns of a once calm sea. The flash will capture it all; my family, children playing in the waters, and the elderly couple on their beach chairs. 

“One… two… three!” My friend shouts.

 Click𑁋the camera lens contracts upon itself just as fast as it expands back. We decided that it was time to get together after a long summer filled with impossible schedules. Five covered canvases are in front of us𑁋 paintings whose brushstrokes speak to us, telling their story. The painting class was held at our local art studio for friends like us who come together again to start another journey full of captured collections. So many days were spent apart yet it seemed as if no time passes at all. How can time make me feel this way? I know, countless clicks grasped the valuable moments we had together𑁋the instant core memories have the ability to retain bliss, connections, and authenticity.

“Did they upload them yet?” a voice mumbles from the other room. Ring𑁋It’s the first day of Junior year and all the summer photos are ready to be relived. I open the file on my laptop, my screen glows with colors dancing in unison. Friends gather around me, awaiting the moment they have waited for what seems like a lifetime. The colors are raw𑁋uneditied rememberings that taught me lessons that helped me grow this year. Living in the moment helped me deepen the relationships around me, patience helped me open myself up to more than one perspective and lastly helped me feel safe sharing my vulnerability with others in order to become the best version of myself. 

Flick𑁋the freshly opened disposable camera is ready for yet another journey of life as I gently place its lens in front of yet another one of my favorite things.

The author's comments:

This is about how I've grown to be okay with living in the moment where no distractions are present even when the media has taken over many face-to-face relationships. This piece reminds me that it's possible to relive these special memories when you feel as if time is moving too quickly. My disposable camera is what makes me authentic and a way of how I make sure my individuality follows me throughout life's journey.

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