Love (what else) | Teen Ink

Love (what else) MAG

By Anonymous

that peripheral melody
flitting into view
then gone again
taunts me
haunts me
a whiff of fresh-baked cookies
detected from fragranceless banishment.
rumors of perfect passion hide
behind my ears.
whispers fog my vision;
my blood tastes bourbon

and my erratically throbbing heart is dizzy and drunk
melancholy sweet is addicting because
safe self-pity tastes so good.
because those out of sight not out of mind
invisible tangerine kisses
make my mouth pucker with want.
tantalizing fantasy tortures;
I spend my nights wishing satin dreams were true,
my days searching masks without eyeholes
and frozen-fire music still eludes.

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This article has 2 comments.

i love this so much!

JillianHale said...
on Feb. 1 2009 at 4:12 pm
I think that was a very odd poem, however that's what made it great. You are a great writer. Keep it up :]