Está bien | Teen Ink

Está bien

August 25, 2023
By Worker_bee7756 DIAMOND, Toledo, Ohio
Worker_bee7756 DIAMOND, Toledo, Ohio
54 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Take that depression!" - Lucifer, Hazbin Hotel

Estás bien,


 Caminar con la cabeza tan alta,

 Para lucir todo lo que hay dentro,

 Para asegurarte de que nadie pueda decir que te sientes como una mierda,

 Porque no sabes cómo decir que necesitas ayuda,

 Lo que necesitas saber,

 está bien,

 Está bien no pelear,

 Está bien si quieres tirarlo y simplemente correr por la noche,

 Está bien ser tú mismo,

 Incluso si renuncias a otros, 

Porque un día estarás bien.



Are you okay,

You know,

To walk around with your head held so high,

To show off everything inside,

To make sure no one can tell you feel like sh*t,

Because you don't know how to say that you need help,

Which you need to know that is okay,

Its okay to not fight,

Its okay if you want to throw away and just run in the night,

Its okay to be yourself,

Even if you give others up,

Because one day you will be alright.

The author's comments:

My first ever poem in spanish. The translation is under for those who don't know spanish

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