Freudian | Teen Ink


December 8, 2023
By King_KDA ELITE, Burlington, Washington
King_KDA ELITE, Burlington, Washington
111 articles 0 photos 33 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Numquam finitur, donec vita finiatur."
- K. D'Angelo Alexander

Why try, if one is destined to fail?

Why try, if one will never prevail?

What purpose does one serve,

If they cannot maintain control of their own nerve?

Love based upon loss, upon lack thereof

“Unhealthily,” is he in love

Why chase what one cannot get?

Why worry, ruminate, and fret?

Over someone, something long since gone

Over something, a love, that was so wrong

“It’s destiny,” said the young heathen

“It was meant to be,” whispers the demon

Fate is cruel, Her desires sick

Watching Her children suffer, just for kicks

“It’s all up to chance, the odds may vary”

It’s all up to Fate, except when She grows weary

Without a mother, without a father

The young man treads into dangerous waters

Seeking his needed comfort from a woman

All of his strength seeping into her bosom

A succubus of emotion, the girl took his heart

But he hurt her, his whole world falling apart

Although, he never let go, always holding on

Onto a love, that has long since gone

The young man watches, as she looks happy, from afar

Why can he not move on, when it doesn’t seem that hard?

Hopelessly in love, he stumbles into a void

Of emotions, joy, the Pit is devoid

Tendrils of envy wrap around his heart

Entangled, poisoned, a work of art

Once red, now completely without color

The young man wishes for his mother

But there is nothing, within the Darkness

No one to save him, as he grows heartless

A twisted mind, within an empty shell

Trapped, in his own personal Hell

The author's comments:

A poem describing the "Oedipus Complex," as well as neurosis, and how it affects people's relationships and emotions.

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