Stuck | Teen Ink


December 14, 2023
By Anonymous


I’m stuck inside something. What is this?

It’s burnt orange and super tall

It keeps moving and the sky is changing

The bright blue sky stays the same

Clouds rolling past

as I fall into the corner

all I can remember is falling

I hit the ground and now it hurts to move

I don't know what to do

My feathers, ripped away from me

left in the grass

and along side me

Its moving again

I keep falling from side to side

something just peered in at me

It had big beady eyes,

I want it to leave me alone

I wish I were back in my nest 

But i’m stuck inside something, just


The author's comments:

This is an ekphrastic poem written about Aleta Steward's "Disintegration" (2020)

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