Red | Teen Ink


January 3, 2024
By King_KDA ELITE, Burlington, Washington
King_KDA ELITE, Burlington, Washington
111 articles 0 photos 33 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Numquam finitur, donec vita finiatur."
- K. D'Angelo Alexander

The color of love, red

The color of anger, red

The color of blood, red

The color we all dread

Love, anger, and blood:

All found in bed

Sometimes not in that order,

But better left unsaid

One who loves anger, and blood

Will often end up dead

Slowly into the Forest of Truth, 

Do I dare tread

A person who loves pain,

Most likely was misled

For love is not anger;

Although they are both red

The author's comments:

Describing emotions/feelings, and connotations with the color red, this poem follows the same rhyme-scheme throughout the entirety of its length, besides line eleven. It also describes very clearly and explicitly that love and anger, or pain shouldn't be together.

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