Memories | Teen Ink


July 1, 2009
By OneMoreWaywardPoet SILVER, Libertyville, Illinois
OneMoreWaywardPoet SILVER, Libertyville, Illinois
9 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The world moves for love... It kneels before it in awe..."
- A quote from The Village

My memories inspire me
Shame pours from my pencil
Each word I write
I move closer
Then it comes
When I'm alone
Life becomes simple
I live in the moment
Victoria, in her truest form
Comes out to play
But the more I write
The less willing I am to hide myself
Inhabitions out the window
I force you to look
Though I know it pains you
For I'm soiled
Innocence stripped from my body
And you cannot face what I've become
You make excuses
Needing to escape
Because you can't handle the guilt
So you close your eyes real tight
And before you know it
I'm gone

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