Ever after | Teen Ink

Ever after

March 24, 2024
By audreyzorman BRONZE, Bemidji, Minnesota
audreyzorman BRONZE, Bemidji, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

That first day I saw you walking down the street 

I knew that I would love you forever after

So then I walked up to you and became your friend 

But friends don’t blush when one comes near

Why does my heart flutter but not of fear


You said that our love would last forever after

And I believed you with all my heart

Whenever I saw those sparkling blue eyes

Whenever I heard your laughter

I knew our love would last forever after


But I guess I was wrong

Because after the night you told me our love was lost

I cried one thousand tears for you 

I was there when all your skies were gray

But our love forever after couldn’t stay

The author's comments:

This piece is about the different stages in a relationship 

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