missing summer | Teen Ink

missing summer MAG

April 11, 2024
By Atuck1933 SILVER, Edmond, Oklahoma
Atuck1933 SILVER, Edmond, Oklahoma
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Oh, how the days of summer flew by so fast,
A season full of warmth and endless laughter,
The sun shone bright, the breeze was light and free,
And life was simple, wild and carefree.

The trees were green, the flowers bloomed,
And every day was a golden tune,
The birds sang sweet, the bees buzzed with glee,
In summer's embrace, all was aglow.

The days were long, the nights were short,
And every moment was a precious thought,
The warmth on skin, the cooling breeze,
Were joys that brought us to our knees.

But now, the winds have changed, the days are gone,
And winter's chill has come upon,
The trees stand bare, the flowers have faded,
And summer's magic has been shaded.

Oh, how we miss the sun's warm touch,
The laughter, the joy, the simple such,
The carefree days, the endless fun,
That summer brought, our hearts have won.

But memories remain, a treasure trove,
Of laughter, love, and endless love,
And though the season's gone, its grace,
Will stay with us, a shining face.

So let us hold on to these memories,
And cherish them, as they bring us peace,
For though summer's gone, its magic stays,
And in our hearts, it will forever be.


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