But How | Teen Ink

But How

July 6, 2009
By Italia_H SILVER, Portland, Oregon
Italia_H SILVER, Portland, Oregon
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How can something you love hurt so much?
How can this pain even be real?
You find tears that never end.
Pain so overwhelming you can’t breathe.
In this pain nothing helps,
Nothing sooths.
A fantasy love.

With pain so real.
You choke on the words of freedom.
Three little words.
Words being swallowed by salty tears.
How can something you love hurt so much?
I say; I do not know.
But in finding a love so dear,
Shouldn’t we be able to stand the pain?
Although, there is one hope to your endless tears,
May it be the touch of the one that caused them?

How can something you love hurt so much?
But how is it possible that you find love in the first place?
Love, a deadly secret.
Love, is something so great.
Love, is somothing more.
I found love.

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