Fun times (Roller coasters) | Teen Ink

Fun times (Roller coasters)

May 3, 2024
By JazlynBlanco SILVER, Wilmington, California
JazlynBlanco SILVER, Wilmington, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Loves/ Both/ Hates

L: They are always fun.

H: No never they are scary

B: Why are you like this

H: What if we fall out

L: No we won’t

B: That is what you always say

H: Why not a walk in the park

L: More like falling asleep in the park, it’s so boring.

B: Why are you being stubborn!!

L: Why do you never get over it! 

H: You are not a child. Get off the kid rides.

B: NO!! You are being mean.

B: Have it your way!

L: Fine.

H: Fine!

B: ……..

B: Sorry! Lets go to both

The author's comments:

I am a High School student at Port of Los Angeles. I like to write and create poems.

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