What I want to be | Teen Ink

What I want to be

June 7, 2024
By Anonymous

As long as I can remember 

I’ve always been asked

What do you want to be when you grow up?

As kids, we grow up wanting to be an Astronaut

A Doctor

A Firefighter

Because I am made to believe 

That I am no one

Unless i'm making 6 figures

I want to be writer 

My life is my poetry 

But I said I wanted to be a firefighter

I need to go save a the cat from the tree 

Rarely anyone follows their dreams 

So push it aside 

And focus on how you will be able 

To afford that nice house 

And nice car

Because following your dreams won’t get you that far

What do you want to be

My parents always ask me

And I still don’t know the right answer 

I want to be a nurse

But not because I want to help others

It would mean that I am making more than my brother

And I can win the love from the people that made me

I want to be enough for you when I grow up

I want to be in a job that makes me happy 

But thats hard to do when your dream job

Has a low salary 

So sign me up 

For the list of 92 percent 

That ditch their dreams

For the job they want to have when they grow up

Of feeling enough 

For others

The author's comments:

About how parents will have such high expectations and can be controlling with what their kid wants to be and a proffession

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