Never Raise a Bunny | Teen Ink

Never Raise a Bunny

July 6, 2024
By AliyaM15 SILVER, Spring, Texas
AliyaM15 SILVER, Spring, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Now if you want some parting wisdom,

I suggest you listen close

For the words I’m soon to tell you

Will be the thing that matters most

There are lions tough to tame 

As there are rivers rare to dry

There are mountains I could climb,

But there is something I won’t try

Have you ever raised a bunny

I should hope your answer is no 

With all their fluffy fur and pointed ears

A bunny is sure to go

I bet you'd be surprised

(if you have not a beast your own)

Cause when your sleeping safe and sound

That’s when they strike to make it known

It may start as just a nibble\sounding softly in your ear

But as the nibbling night continues

You’ll begin to shake with fear

And when you wake up every morning

In prayer to make it through the day

It will soon become apparent

That the droppings duplicate

Oh, you'd think that would be the worst part

When it’s wet on your bare feet

But that's only the beginning

Cause these bunnies greet and meet

Imagine leaving home for work 

Your bunnies all alone inside

And returning back home

The pick is locked and now there’s five

So I hope this all has helped 

Remember everything I’ve said

Unless you're already in danger 

Then tuck your sheets above your head

The author's comments:

This poem was written as a way of showing my younger sister, who loves bunnies, that having a bunny as a pet is not all that she thought it would be.


*I am sending this piece by recommendation of BYU Young Authors Academy

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