In the Library | Teen Ink

In the Library

July 6, 2024
By AliyaM15 SILVER, Spring, Texas
AliyaM15 SILVER, Spring, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I lost myself in the library 

And now all I can see 

Are stacks and stacks of books 

Each staring right at me 

My heart just might explode 

My neck could possibly break 

If I cannot enjoy the thrill 

Of all these books today 

So I strolled on to the sci-fi 

I gave myself a taste 

Then ran on to dystopian 

And swept the shelves with haste 

I’m not sure what the time is 

But please just let me be 

For I have found my favorite isle 

The Isle of Fantasy 

These days I spent as lost 

Filled me in supply 

Of wonderful adventures 

Just waiting for my eye 

But sadly someone found me 

She told me it was late 

And, as a good librarian, 

She lets me in each day

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem after visiting my first library in two years. My family and I have moved to a foreign country and were unable to visit any libraries. When I was finally able to visit a library, I was so excited, I couldn't resist sitting down and writing a poem right on the spot.



*I am sending this piece by recommendation of BYU Young Authors Academy

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