As They Turn | Teen Ink

As They Turn MAG

By Anonymous

   Leaves turn

And faces change

And faces remain the same

And hearts break

And heal

And clocks move forward

And so do we,


You tell me,

No I tell you

To watch but don't cling

To those things you know

Will pass shortly,

And will forever leave you solemn.

You can only watch

Because leaves turn

And hearts break

And I refuse to allow myself to watch

And I can't bear to watch you watching

As day turns to night

And week turns to year

And the faces we once knew

Are the faces we pass by on the street

And we've become oblivious

To the innocence we once possessed

That is now just a whisper of a cloud.

We pass by

And forget to watch the leaves as they turn

And forget the faces we thought we knew,

Not all though,

And forget the broken hearts

And we are oblivious to the leaves

As they turn.

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