Darkening Passage | Teen Ink

Darkening Passage MAG

By Anonymous

   I look up

at the soft grace of a white bird

yet trapped.

Hundreds of feet of blue and white flashes of light

ascend me

and my head crushes at the pressure.

My eyes begin to cloud,

much like water, polluted by the

mud I kicked up.

The salt water tickles my tongue like candy

or at least my distorted mind

makes me think it tastes so.

Ears are ringing

life begins to collapse.

The bird blurs

into a bright, white light.

With the taut line from a

striped white and red buoy grasping my ankle,

I surface

floating face down.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 13 2010 at 10:16 pm
raychell.faith GOLD, Somewhere You Left Your Heart, California
12 articles 0 photos 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You Risk Tears If You Let Yourself Be Tamed;" The Little Prince

this is haunting in a good way. bittersweet and unforgettable. <3.