Hopeless | Teen Ink

Hopeless MAG

By Anonymous

   Beautiful curly red hair. Big blue eyes that lit up when she smiled.

Herface captured the innocence of the child she was.

So young, so full oflife, but not for long.

I watched before my very eyes asher hair began to fall

and her tiny features swelled, squeezing her eyesuntil they were

mere slits.

I watched as her voice becamemuffled

And she cried in frustration when I could no longer understandher.

I watched as she became weaker by the days

To thepoint where she was fed by tubes and could not lift up

her head.

I watchedas she was lied to day after day

"You are going to be fine,sweetie," they'd say, "It will all

be over soon."

How wasshe to know they meant her life?


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on Mar. 19 2012 at 2:46 pm
reman5 PLATINUM, Ganei Tikwa, Other
21 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be the person your dog thinks you are"

made me cry... I'm speechless.