Shot to the Heart | Teen Ink

Shot to the Heart

January 25, 2010
By ~Skie BRONZE, Jamestown, North Dakota
~Skie BRONZE, Jamestown, North Dakota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Just let worrying go. It only holds you back.&quot; <br /> This was a quote from the boy I wrote about in &quot;A Shot to the Heart&quot; It hurts to think about but this is the quote I have based my life around because it&#039;s a little bit too true.

What you said was a shot to the heart
I'm surprised it hasn't fallen apart
My life, my world what did I do
I seemed to have based them all around you
And now you aren't here, you left me for her
After I was positive you loved me for sure
But then, the things you said
felt like a ton of bricks you dropped on my head

From that day on my eyes have dimmed
and all I can think of are thoughts of him
I said we could be friends but he didnt hear
the girl in his life caused him fear
the fear of rejection that I have felt
so many times to which I've been dealt
Maybe now boys I shouldn't trust
even though they might seem just
they all lie in some way
and I don't need that in my day
So here's to you the one who broke my heart
I now know you were never worth the part
the part of my heart given just to you.

The author's comments:
About a boy.

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