Ode to the D.R. | Teen Ink

Ode to the D.R.

February 8, 2010
By Sarabi_The_Great BRONZE, Atglen, Pennsylvania
Sarabi_The_Great BRONZE, Atglen, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 5 comments

It seems the most important places are far away,
The ones that affect you the most
Need a plane to let you reach them.
A sea seperates you
From the land you love
The most.

From your temperate climate you long for the tropics.
The tropics are where your heart truly feels at home.
On an island far away.
That beautiful island,
That island you need a plane to get to.

There are palm trees on the island
That sway in the breeze.
The people are friendlier
And always return your waves
With smiles.

So go.
The little island waits.
In all of its glory
And really good coffee.
The Dominican Republic calls softly.

The author's comments:
I went away for just one week and came back completely changed. I just wanted to stay there in the D.R. It's hard to leave such a beautiful place. Everyone should go. Even you. ;)
(Sorry if this ode isn't very ode-like. I'm just starting to write odes, forgive me.)


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