Agony | Teen Ink


March 2, 2010
By Twenty-one1 SILVER, Bowling Green, Kentucky
Twenty-one1 SILVER, Bowling Green, Kentucky
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
This is my very own quote.
"I'll never change who I was, for who I know I have to be"

Love is deceits long gone old friend
My hearts premature gaze
Happiness, my life time's cheat
For forever
Love is pain

Emotions are words piercing through the heart
One must feel
For reassurance
That they're not insane
Lying scared
Hopeless pleasures call out to
As they mention my name
Here I am
Until away I am gone
My love is plague
I love
And am unloved
As it is my love
Bathed away
For me
The greatest years of time
Are timeless
And falling in love
Opened pandorah's box
And shok the earth
For my world to be put asleep
So the cold and heartless can survive it
The cracks of dangerous pleasures
My painful bleeding soul
Buried beneath the ground
Creases of dried up blood mixed with my tears
Is my pain
When it smiles

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