From Another Planet | Teen Ink

From Another Planet

March 11, 2010
By DefinitionOfNice45 PLATINUM, Boston, Massachusetts
DefinitionOfNice45 PLATINUM, Boston, Massachusetts
25 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Our Deepest Fear is Not That we are inadequate, It is that we are powerful beyond measure."

See…She was something from another planet
Most women form Venus but naw naw….
She was something deeper,
Like a metaphor not as they Or like no other..

She felt for the real and the real …was her bloodline
Her words were something sweeter than cherry pies
And No no man would dare resist to indulge in her aura
But anything residing from her luscious lips to her feet was only but!… 10%

10% in her eyes for a male in this century would be obliged to state 90
A butt, and breast, thighs round as small drums, but yet, still 10%
See but a man and not a male may see something first only its entirety
Starting from the very top of her curved headline and ending in the palms of her feet

See…She was something from another planet
A woman outspoken to detest of male existence naw naw…
She grew with them and provide ways of the new and better things
Its clear where she swing, and if you are the real then her eyes permit u to be seen

You see …only then using the raw essence of your mind
Will you begin to see hers unwind as together you will intertwine
But it’s a alien form because those days are gone and the sight of our real women…gone
Her language is unknown and these actions I describe….so sublime

Such a shame we cant grasp it and own it
With a touch of knowledge we might dismiss our ambiguity
Truant to her world and in acknowledgment of a woman…not a girl
A male cannot own her, still they must evolve to see how they’re 10 is not 90

You see…She was something from another planet
They cant understand it
How a girl is so calm, intellectual, understanding
Her deepest thoughts are but the light to our dark.

The author's comments:
This was deep and pulled from a very girl I found to be extraordinary. She was more like my best friend, very in tune yet, made me feel she was different the every other girl. Somehow...maybe you will see that too

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