Ha you think your strong? | Teen Ink

Ha you think your strong?

March 6, 2010
By Rosebud32 PLATINUM, Bloomington, Illinois
Rosebud32 PLATINUM, Bloomington, Illinois
25 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
"a rose for a rose, maybe the best gift of them all"

You think your strong?
well news flash hun...
your weak as a limb,
you can't do ----.
because with your messed up heart,
you can't move on
because you don't call anymore,
it feels like you just droped dead...
But now to me you are dead,
because of what you did,
and what you said.
But my heart still hurts,
those tears are still so close.
Because I trusted you...
And what did you do?
Your broke my heart,
and took off with it...
you threw it on the ground
and ran over it.
Your going to be the last,
the last to do it too.
I mean it this time,
because i hate people screwin
with my head...
especially guys...


The author's comments:
yea thats what i get for dating an army guy...


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