losing you | Teen Ink

losing you

March 30, 2010
By HanaA. SILVER, Peoria, Illinois
HanaA. SILVER, Peoria, Illinois
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The wind blows, and dries my tears
Where you were standing, now nothings there
The ashes fall like burning snow
The flames grow, and the flames burn
The flames burn
They burn the bodies
They burn the souls
The souls of young, and the souls of old
The smell in the air is that of millions leaving the earth
Those millions will never return
This world is full of hate and fears
I lay my head back down and pray
I pray for those who suffer
I pray for those who kill
I pray for you because you disappeared
You left this place without a word
You left this place without a trace
And you left this Earth, and me with it
I reach out for you
And grab nothing but air
You were the light that held me in place
With my last breath
I take your place
And disappear

The author's comments:
in history we were doing an assignment on the holocaust, and on the rubric it said we could write poetry. i love to write, so i figured this would be easiest for me to do. i started with a poem i had written (the first 2 verses) and it just flowed from there.

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