Awakening | Teen Ink


May 20, 2008
By Anonymous

It's been so long.

The light is blinding, the colors disorienting;
I look out through old eyes made new with remembrance.
My whole body burns
As I shed this life-stealing lethargy.
I feel the blood coursing through my veins
And the electric currents of anticipation
Making my mind hum, in the old way.
I feel.
I feel...
Pain. Fear. Anxiety.
The three brothers of despair.
Hold me, Love, tightly, until they surrender.
Their victory will be my final defeat.
And though my lungs might still be filled,
What is it to breathe when every breath
Is a bitter, desperate struggle?
Hold me, Love, as I re-enter
Grasping and fighting for everything lost.
Be my ally in this strange combat.
Come with me, Love, quickly.

It's been so long.

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