The Love Bug | Teen Ink

The Love Bug

April 17, 2010
By Kward8080 SILVER, Troy, Illinois
Kward8080 SILVER, Troy, Illinois
6 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life's only hard if you make it hard."

She thought she couldn’t do it.
She didn’t think to try.
She didn’t know what to say to him.
She couldn’t even say hi.

He saw her everyday.
He thought of her as friend.
He never knew she felt this way.
He felt a special feeling that never did end.

She felt her heart pound quicker.
She saw him smile at her.
She got nervous when he waved .
She felt her world pause, and nothing did stir.

He loved to see her smile.
He felt his stomach jump.
He didn’t know what to say to her.
He heard his own heart thump.

She couldn’t speak at all.
She stared into his eyes.
She wondered what he thought of her.
She didn’t know why.

He spoke to her first softly.
He didn’t know how to say it.
He felt a passion deep inside.
He felt like nothing fit.

She whispered a quick hello.
She wore a big, huge grin.
She was intimidated.
She felt the goose bumps on her skin.

He started a conversation.
He was nervous as ever.
He liked her even more than before.
He thought she was perfect and clever.

She felt more relieved at his comforting voice.
She thought he was a great guy.
She knew they would be friends for a while now.
She felt like she could fly.

Love is a wonderful thing.
Nothing can explain it.
Love changes lives around.
Now maybe someday you’ll get bit.(:

The author's comments:
Love is a feeling I don't quite understand. Which was exactly my inspiration for this poem. I didn't really know what to think of it, so I explain what you feel physically, not so much mentally. In this poem, I hope that others find the physical features in themselves showing what love is like for them.


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