I’m Sorry | Teen Ink

I’m Sorry

October 17, 2007
By Anonymous

I thought you liked me.
I thought I did too.
What happened?
I am not over him, give it some time.
But I’m not pushing you.
Maybe we should just stay friends.
But I don’t want to just stay friends, I have feelings for you.
I’m sorry, but I don’t have them for you.
But you said you did.
I was wrong.
So just like that?
I had given up on you,
Then you told me that so I gave you another chance.
I’m sorry.
So you played with my emotions and made me believe what was
Never to be true.
I wish things were different, I want to like you.
Yes you are everything I have ever imagined, but I just don’t feel that way.
So obviously I’m not good enough.
No you are!
Obviously not.
You are a Great guy!
Just not good enough, I thought you liked me.
I’m sorry.
So I guess we can be friends.
Yes I would like that.
I’m Sorry.

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This article has 1 comment.

Mickee BRONZE said...
on May. 14 2011 at 10:36 am
Mickee BRONZE, Yorktown Heights, New York
4 articles 1 photo 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
Erica Albright (Rooney Mara): &quot;You are going to go through life thinking that girls don&#039;t like you because you&#039;re a nerd. And I want you to know from the bottom of my heart that that won&#039;t be true. It&#039;ll be because you&#039;re an asshole.&quot;<br /> <br /> Mark Zuckerberg: &quot;I think if your clients want to sit on my shoulders and call themselves tall, they have the right to give it a try, but there&#039;s no requirement that I enjoy sitting here listening to people lie. You have part of my attention - you have the minimum amount. The rest of my attention is back at the offices of Facebook, where my colleagues and I are doing things that no one in this room, including and especially your clients, are intellectually or creatively capable of doing. Did I adequately answer your condescending question?<br /> <br /> &quot;You&#039;re not the same as you were before, You were much more...muchier...you&#039;ve lost your muchness.&quot;<br /> I feel like I just found out my favorite love song was written about a sandwich.

this is what happened to me, its really hard