Butterflies | Teen Ink


May 27, 2010
By RainbowsAndSafetyPins GOLD, Ladysmith, Wisconsin
RainbowsAndSafetyPins GOLD, Ladysmith, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Be yourself, don't take anyones shit, and never let them take you alive.-Gerard way

So inside she is just a sad little girl
Hiding behind headphones and safety pins
Watching the world go by
To the soundtrack of emo lullabies
And at the end of the day
She didn't know the way
To love and to happiness
But still she tried to hope for the best
Pretty soon a beautiful girl put her to the test
To find the butterflies
And the unexplainable highs
Of just being near
And there are no more lonely tears
Or suicidal fears
At the end of the day
Because she knows the way
To love, happiness, and butterflies

The author's comments:
I was at a dark time in my life before i met her.But she changed my life around.And taught me to live.


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