Like Your Father | Teen Ink

Like Your Father

January 8, 2008
By Anonymous

You were just like your father, hard
Headed and demanding
Everytime I look at you I see his face
You always had to better
Than the person to your side,
You had to sit there
Just like you had to drive
That one time you got us lost
When it took five hours instead of two.
There was no turning back now
You kept asking “Are we there yet?”
As if you were a little child
All dressed up in a grown mans suit.
Prestige and pressed
And topped with a black tie.
We landed, Finally
The city of sin
I questioned myself
“Is this a mistake?”
With music so loud
I couldn’t hear my conscience,
The lights shining
Brighter than the stars,
With bars so stocked
You could fill an entire pool,
And the casinos
Filled with more money
Than people.
We sat in the lounge
On an old antique couch
Upholstered with gold silk
Covered in stitching
Of silver and gold flowers
And a plastic overlay.
You emptied everything in your wallet
Into a bottle
You poured me a glass.
I drank half of it
My face becoming hot
And my palms sweaty
I leaned in and whispered to you
“It tastes like sin.”

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