I've Never Really Noticed | Teen Ink

I've Never Really Noticed

July 14, 2010
By Ellaa GOLD, Belmar, New Jersey
Ellaa GOLD, Belmar, New Jersey
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Friends are like four leaf clovers....
Hard to find...
But lucky to have <3

I’ve never really noticed,
That bewildered, precious thing,
An awning over the ground,
A deep green sign of spring.
Every so often it goes away
Changing colors with the seasons.
Not always here to stay
But has every reason
No one ever notices its beauty until it fades away.
Now you’ve never really noticed,
Until it’s gone away.

It’s me in disguise,
A plan of evil to devise.
Only leaves me alone,
When the sun’s location is unknown.
Not a friend
Nor an enemy
It knows me
Only me.
This monstrous figure,

Follows behind,

Wants to lead me in the opposite way,
I wish for the sun to not shine.
Reveals my past,
My darkest of secrets,
Knows everything about me.
Knows all of my moves,
Or past.
Fear that it will reveal to the world,
Who I really am,
In my darkest of times.
I wish someday,
It will go away,
But for now,
My shadow shall remain

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