See You in Ten Months | Teen Ink

See You in Ten Months

October 30, 2007
By Sarah Price GOLD, New City, New York
Sarah Price GOLD, New City, New York
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Zipping up all of my memories,
Inside a single bag,
Tears drifting down,

We all stand up slowly,
To leave for one last dinner,
The last real meal,

The music is blasting,
Loudly and rudely,
Who wants to dance?
When goodbye is so close.

The dance is over far too soon,
‘cause time is moving at lightning speed,
We sit by the crackling fire,
Huddling, but not just for warmth.

Every person stands up,
Says why they love it here,
I can’t open my mouth,
I know that I will cry.

Back sitting on our beds,
My best friend and I,
Hugging like we’ll never let go,
Tears streaming into each others hair.

We don’t sleep that night,
We just whisper in teary voices,
And then the sun comes up,
And we know the time has come.

We dip the French toast sticks into syrup,
But none of us have appetites,
We all walk down the hill together,
And then we say goodbye.

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