I want to write | Teen Ink

I want to write

October 31, 2007
By Anonymous

I want to write something gripping
I want to write something intriguing
I want to write something irresistible

I want to write something lively
I want to write something mouth-watering
I want to write something ravishing

I want to write something rich
I want to write something seducing
I want to write something spellbinding

I want to write something inspiring
I want to write something divine
I want to write something encouraging

I want to write on how I feel

So maybe you’ll listen and be healed

I want to write on how to write
So maybe you’ll listen and take off in flight

I want to write on my beliefs
So maybe you’ll listen and believe

I want to write.

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on Feb. 10 2015 at 3:18 pm
AvengeMyBrokenSong GOLD, WHOOP, New York
18 articles 0 photos 83 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;It takes more strength to cry at mid-defeat.&quot;<br /> -Susan Boyle<br /> &quot;The closer you get to the light, the bigger your shadow becomes.&quot;<br /> -Kingdom Hearts

And I want to give you six stars out of a possible five! WOW!