Daddy's Little Girl | Teen Ink

Daddy's Little Girl

November 8, 2007
By Anonymous

The Blue skies blend with the mountains,
You look into the still water and see nothing but yourself.
Naked, exposed,
Yet your fully clothed...
You suddenly remember everything
DOwn to the reason you cired when you were six.
You tired bringing him back with 1,000 tears,
It didn't work.
You tired 10,000 words hoping something would work,
But it didnt help one bit.
Instead it made you cry harder.
It made you think of all the good things that happened
And the bad ones too.
Also the thihngs you wanted to do
But it was to late you couldn't.
NOw you have to live with the guilt.
You never got the chance to say goodbye!
or more importantly.. I Love You.
You were his little girl,
Now hopefully hes your Gaurdian Angel.
Forever you will be known as daddy's little girl.

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