Mom | Teen Ink


June 3, 2008
By Anonymous

i know i screw up
and i've made some mistakes
and i understand the reason
you show me so much hate
your always shouting and yelling
all about the phone
sometimes you even tell me
you want me in a foster home
but you don't know why i cry
and you don't my story
my friends don't know it either
and they tell me to never worry
sometimes i wanna go
pack my things and run
people say no
and tell me i'm too young
you say it'll go away
but i know i'll never heal
it gets harder everyday
i wish you knew how i feel
i'm wanting to run
maybe start a new life
so many things left behind
and so many to sacrifice
you tell me i should die
i'm still wondering when
and maybe if i do
will you appreciate me then?

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