Here. | Teen Ink


October 19, 2010
By Desee GOLD, Lenior City, Tennessee
Desee GOLD, Lenior City, Tennessee
14 articles 1 photo 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
If the sky were to suddenly open up, there would be no law, there would be no rule. There would only be you and your memories. - donnie darko, 2001

slithering spoon fulls of sanity
another coat for anxiety
if you were to leave tomorrow..
then what would you live for today?
the pain you bare gives great sorrow

will you be there?

picture perfect when the pictures shattered
wings are broken and tattered
save me for yesterday
then tell me today

will you be there?

take my heart out of my chest and keep it
or do whatever you want to just do not bend it
fingertips leave the prints but no bars
but why do our hearts leave scars?

will you be there?

another sip of whiskey
another blow against me
but another name came to the open
even though the previous still isnt closin

will you be there?

im lost in this forsaken nightmare
when i think im awake im dreaming
im frozen
fear of being forgotten
actually i wasnt remebered to start
if i were to slid apart inside
lose everything in my heart
if i were to slip..

will you be there?

through the fall?
through it all?
in and out?
when in doubt?
ill you be here?
well... would you?


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