True love lives in the storm | Teen Ink

True love lives in the storm

November 29, 2007
By Anonymous

True love
Lies in your heart and mine

It rides the waves
And crashes along the shore

It lies in the sunset
In which only we can see

The moon which
Grants us the perfect kiss
And memory

The stars that light up the sky
And the night we will never forget

That love
Lives in your heart and mine

But it also lies in the storm
That brings us together

The lightning
In which fear holds us close

The hurricane
In which only we can survive
if we are lucky

It lives in the tornado
Where our arms shelter us from debree

It lives in the moment
Where you would give up your life for mine

Its when love
Can over power reason

It’s when you give your last kiss
As you go to war

It’s the last call after you board the plane
That’s destine to hit the twin towers

Its when
You know that if today or tomorrow ended you
All you’d need was to have
True love by your side

As you die on a hospital bed
True love
Doesn’t die in that night

But lives in the moment
Of the beginning of your end

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