Take it Away | Teen Ink

Take it Away

October 24, 2010
By Ender PLATINUM, Hagerstown, Maryland
Ender PLATINUM, Hagerstown, Maryland
49 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
Perhaps it's impossible to wear an identity without becoming what you pretend to be
-Orson Scott Card

Can you look at me for just a sec?
Just take a moment please?
No, nuh uh. No rain check.
See me here?
Oh ya, that's me.
I just blew your mind, didn't I?
You never look, never see.
I've been stepping beyond barriers,
but it's all come to nill.
I thought this was a void I could fill.
Damn, I hate when I'm wrong.
Why do you have to do this?
I mean, it's really not all my fault.
You gave me hope.
I took what was rightfully mine, you jerk.
Now I'm looking for ways to cope
with a loss of something I never had.
Something never gained.
You see this heart??
Ya, now it's stained.
I'm sorry, was that too dramatic for you?
I'll try to refrain.

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