Yesterday I Tried to Tell Her | Teen Ink

Yesterday I Tried to Tell Her

October 24, 2010
By Ender PLATINUM, Hagerstown, Maryland
Ender PLATINUM, Hagerstown, Maryland
49 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
Perhaps it's impossible to wear an identity without becoming what you pretend to be
-Orson Scott Card

A sweet, quiet child she seems from a distance,
but let her pull you in and you'll see her persistence
is smothering his stability with her ability to baffle.

I am a friend for one reason and one reason only,
because she's fatigued and distressed from feeling this lonely
and wanting consultation for hope of a salvation from him.

So she continued to seek guidance and support,
and these stories began to warp and distort
the help I was willing to provide while I tried to find the truth.

So it comes down to this burden that is resting on my shoulders,
I was summoned to help, but fear I have made the situation colder
for now I understand why he has banned her affection.

I was supposed to ascertain the problem and inform her of his defense
but soon found out that I have committed the offense,
because I am the obstacle that she has hated from the start,
I am the reason her Cupid's arrow missed his heart,
I am to blame for her shot and miss
when I am still her confidant and her accomplice.

I am so sorry I was ever brought into this,
all I ever wanted to do was bring her out of the abyss
and save her from the heartache she was sure to find,
I never thought I'd become so blind.
I never thought I could like someone like him,
I never thought the situation would get so grim,
I never thought it would hurt and ache,
I didn't think my heart would break.

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