Ode to a Fruit Snack | Teen Ink

Ode to a Fruit Snack

January 25, 2011
By MargaretC GOLD, Hopewell Jct, New York
MargaretC GOLD, Hopewell Jct, New York
14 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Disability is a matter of perception. If you can do just one thing well, you're needed by someone.
Martina Navratilova

Fruit Snack
How I wonder about you
A lonely, sorrowful thing
Your round body reminds me
Of many things
I think you are the globe of Atlas's; being held up only by his hands
Or maybe a red orange with a long bony finger
You do such interesting things with your circular body
Your body is like a plump little man
One squeeze makes you expand quickly
But you fall back into shape
But what are your uses little fruit snack?
Can a mouse come
and use you as an ornament?
Or could some animal come and gobble you up?
Is that what you want? To be eaten? Or not?
What flavor are you, oh little fruit snack
Is that flavor one you wanted?
Or did you want to be something else?
What are you little fruit snack?

The author's comments:
We had to go outside, and find 1 thing lying on the ground. My object was a cherry fruit snack. We started by studying the object, and writing down observations, and then had to write questions we would ask our object. We used the questions and observations to write a poem about it.

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