School Teachers and Playing Hooky | Teen Ink

School Teachers and Playing Hooky

January 14, 2008
By Anonymous

School Teacher walks through the door.
Medium height, casually dressed,
He sports a black baggy windbreaker
And faded jeans.
Keys rattle in his pocket
As he glides by.
He smiles and says,
“How we doing?”

School Teacher stands at the door.
Short, brown, wavy cover her head
Pulled back in a loose ponytail.
A cute blue sweater compliments
Her light khaki pants.
The bell rings and the door closes.
She smiles and says,
“Good afternoon.”

School Teacher jogs through the door.
Tall and lengthy build,
Very athletic.
His attire includes a bright white polo,
Matched with navy blue sweatpants
That barely meet his large gym shoes.
His energetic voice screams,
“Time to go kids.”

I am all of these teachers.
They are a breed.
We are a breed.
We all have lunch periods and

Eat fast food.
We all have class beginning at 7:30

And all run late sometimes.
We all call out for being sick

Or for those times we want to play hooky.

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